Thursday, June 25, 2009


This week's assignment was to take pictures of water with either stopped or blurred motion. Here is some of my work. All of the pictures were taken in the BYU-Idaho gardens. These pictures were taken while it was overcast.

BYU–Idaho Gardens: 6/11/09; 1 p.m.; Rexburg; f 5.0; 1/200; Sony DSC W120

1. BYU–Idaho gardens: 6/11/09; 1 p.m.; Rexburg; f 7.1; 1/80; Sony DSC W120

1. BYU–Idaho gardens: 6/11/09; 1 p.m.; Rexburg; f 2.8; 1/100; Sony DSC W120


Jamie said...

I love your last water shot! It is composed so perfectly and totally caught my eye. Great job Jamie. (I also like the effect the fish eye did to the water, you really can tell the difference!)

Jason and Brittney said...

The second to last shot shows the water movement so well. Great angele and lighting. I love how you can feel the water crashing down.