Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Individual panoramic shots

Field1: 6/17/09; 8:30 p.m.; Rexburg; f 3.8; 1/500; Canon Powershot A400

Field2: 6/17/09; 8:30 p.m.; Rexburg; f 3.8; 1/500; Canon Powershot A400

Field3: 6/17/09; 8:30 p.m.; Rexburg; f 3.8; 1/400; Canon Powershot A400

Field4: 6/17/09; 8:30 p.m.; Rexburg; f 3.8; 1/500; Canon Powershot A400

Field5: 6/17/09; 8:30 p.m.; Rexburg; f 3.8; 1/500; Canon Powershot A400

Field6: 6/17/09; 8:30 p.m.; Rexburg; f 3.8; 1/500; Canon Powershot A400
So this week's assignment was to take several individual shots and then merge them together in photoshop. Here are the individual shots. They aren't anything special but in the next post you'll see how they turned out after the photomerge tool. I didn't use a tripod but used my hand and rotated it like I would have a tripod

1 comment:

Chanae said...

Great job. I like how the panaramic shot combines the whole story. It's almost like it's telling a story.